Thursday, July 27, 2006


Leadership Development Program, Chantilly, Virginia 17-21 July 2006

Click here for photos link.

This was graduation class of the LDP, my last one crazy week with a crazy bunch of colleagues globally gathered together in Chantilly, Virginia (about 40 miles from Washington DC).

This session was a global session, all the various industry groups were present at this session.

Would you believe the kick-off dinner was at a airspace hangar? It was actually a hangar converted to a Air and Space Museum, and it was called... Hazy Center. They converted part of the area shown here in this picture to a bar area, where participants mingled, whereas the inside area surrounding the "space shuttle" prototype was where we had dinner! There we go, I really had dinner in a aircraft hangar...

And I had some wine too :-) .... hic hic... oh, and get used to these sort of pictures, it is so weird, we actually go for dinner in work clothes ... (everyday of the training)

Take Down

I have been very tired recently. Been on a trip to US and back within a week in a nightmarish 30+ hr trip to and fro, meaning I have flown for almost 3 days in a 9 day period (inclusive of both weekends).

My favorite word recently has been "take down". This is not taken to mean "take down" the photo from the wall, but of similar meaning. I use it for work in almost the same fashion as a CIA ops instructing snipers to shoot at a target. I refer to "targets", ie. the trouble ticket queue and instruct my team to "take down" the queue. This means to eliminate, shoot on target and get it out of existence.

I think I am REALLY tired, and my brain is definitely not functioning well.

Of course, I would like it to mean more of "would you like to take down my phone number"... "take down your garments..." Wait a minute, I am really tired, I am getting porno into my own blog...

Monday, July 03, 2006

A thing of beauty

I saw this photo in my yahoo front page and a link to a site on how to photograph fireworks, coming up to the 4th July celebration of Independence Day for USA.

The small thumbnail of the fireworks caught my eye and if you traverse to the link here, you would find good useful tips and magnificent artistry in photography.

I have always found photography to be very fascinating. The art of capturing a good photo is very satisfactory, and I continue to find that there are so many people who are so good at it that I am ashamed of my own limitations.

They say, a thing of beauty is a joy forever. It is a good photographers dream to be always chasing beauty.