Sunday, August 20, 2006

Featured in the Edge

I am nearly famous! My company's Rat Race team appeared in the Edge this week (published on 19 August), with a nice little writeup by the "team captain" - myself, heheh, at last some of my beautiful writing I am half capable of appears in print... !

Sometimes it is these cheap thrills that makes the race so interesting... Next week I will start to round up supporters... (oh what tough jobs team captains got to do, besides running in a team of macho men)... :-)

KC and his RHB buddies also appears on the same page ... (but of course due to my incapability to scan, am unable to display the entire page - go buy the edge now!).

See you at the race.

Mizuno Wave Run and Terry Fox Run - 17 Sept

Today, I rounded up two more persons who will do the following with me - Run the Mizuno Wave Run and then the Terry Fox Run, on the 17th September, back to back.

Mizuno Wave Run - starts at Padang Merbuk at 730am
Terry Fox Run - starts at Lake Gardens at 9am

Assuming at most I would take about 1hr-1hr 15 mins for Mizuno, I can probably get to finishing line, then run over to the Lake Gardens, and start the Terry Fox Run.

Total KM mileage to do this would be 10km + 6.5km. This is do-able lah. For the beautiful Mizuno t-shirt, it is worth it.

And two young runners to accompany me :-)

Now to get back to training.

The Ultramarathon Man runs 50 races in 50 days

Dean Karnazes, the Ultramarathonman is going to run 50 marathon races in 50 days.

This fall, the 43-year-old long distance runner will tackle one marathon a day for 50 consecutive days, running a total 1,310 miles in 50 days. And for each 26.2-mile race, Karnazes and his family of four will travel to a different U.S. state.

Dean Karnazes was featured by KC's blog based on KC's review of Dean's book The Ultramarathon Man. Although I do not own the book, I was once tempted to race the San Francisco Marathon, which was hosted by Dean, in an interest to meet this crazy ultra marathon man.

Whilst I have yet to do even one marathon, imagine, this guy is 43 years old, so fit, and about to tackle the endurance test which has never been attempted before - in reality the body is able to tolerate the "abuse" but this has never been recommended before by most marathon training guides, which fousses on recovery after every marathon.

When is my turn?

Well, I am concious that with the current lifestyle I lead, I will not be able to attempt a marathon until I change the way work and live. Until then, I will settle for the half marathon again at least until next year.

Wednesday, August 16, 2006

Preparing for the Rat Race

I am so proud of my team! We are so ON! This photo was taken during last week's "practice session" - it actually took us longer to take the photos than to run the course. This is indeed a great achievement itself - that our Rat Race team is actually practising!!! We had a good time taking the photos, and really had a good laugh. Amazingly this was my second weekend "off", and now I am almost raring to go for races and races. Back to racing, yahoo!

Rat Race Team - Fear them - ok, give you a hint, three are members of Pacesetters (member only lah, does not mean they really run), two ran the KL International Marathon, two ran the PJ Half Marathon, two ran the Pacesetters 20km and one ran the 30km. Fear us !!!

Heh, heh, just for fun, scare the competition...

Monday, August 07, 2006

Back on track

It is good to be back on track! This is literally double meaning - back on track to blogging and also really back on track to running.

Yesterday was a first for me, I went all the way to KLCC park for a morning run - we were practising for Rat Race. Yes, this is indeed a rare occasion itself - my team is practising!!! The team this year has good spirit and is quite gung-ho about the occasion, and thanks also to my marketing manager cum old-school-mate friend, we round up a lot of enthusiasm in this event.

So, yesteday I got up earlier than all the workdays, was at KLCC at 730am which is already late for normal Sunday runners, but early for me :-o (as always).

We had a good simple easy run around 4 rounds (1.3km each) = 5.2 kms (Rat Race = 4.5km). This was a good bonding and easy start for us as running together meant we could chit chat, and this was the first time I had done so with my colleagues whilst running. Moreover I rarely see these guys, so it was good to just get a different group to run together. I also discovered more people who were picking up running competitively - this motivates me further.

We spent the cool down having breakfast at Lotus nearby, and hatched our plan to surprise the competition for the Rat Race :-). So watch out for Team Accenture... led by yours truly.

So this is my "back on track" plan :
1) Putrajaya Marathon - Half Marathon- hoping to be able to do this as my second half-m! We shall see, based on fitness levels...
2) Rat Race (4.5 km) - The event of the year. Watch out for Team Accenture, we will surprise you! Just hope it does not rain...
3) Terry Fox Run (5 km) - I am abandoning Mizuno Wave Run year 2 for Terry Fox - TF always has the atmosphere and enthusiasm which I always enjoy - a carnival like atmostphere not forgetting it is charity and lots of family goes for this, you can see dad's carrying kids and running too! Moreover this year it is sponsored by SF Coffee and my company's recreation club is specially urging us to go, so it will be a family day for my fellow workers as well.

See you there!