Thursday, October 11, 2007

Living the Extreme Life

I'd like to think I live the extreme life.

When I was in school, I imagined living in an igloo and how boring it would be to spend the day in an ice white round dome. Then I thought about the interconnecting igloos and how I could crawl to other's igloos and then I watched TV and saw the eskimos cooking in an igloo, how can the smoke escape when all the igloos are connected, how to crawl out if you are fat... well it goes on...

In fact, the above is a true story. I did have those kind of abstract imagination when I was younger, as the blog goes, I'd like to think I am a processor able to see things in a movie-like fashion.

Similarly too, I've found that since I joined the corporate world many years ago, I've had fewer opportunities to really explore and live the extreme life.

I'd like to tell people I am the exception to the rule. This is my first job. There are ups and downs but spending at least 12 hours in a work-like environment everyday sometimes drains our creativity and mind.

Meeting people and learning things has enabled me to be fascinated with a different kind of extreme - the actions of an extreme leader - one who inspires but yet is individual.

I'd like to think I will always aspire to be the extreme leader in both life and work. With that, I'd like to welcome all to my new blog -

Always experimenting ... :-)

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