Friday, June 12, 2009

I am really trying to smile ... after the fall but could not ...

This was a mobile phone pic of myself in the mirror of my fall, with swollen and bleeding lip, blemishes.

Luckily I have recovered.  My front teeth is slightly crooked but I am not sure if it is just my impression. 
Three weeks later, I am finally back to hot drinks without a straw, but the front lip is still quite "stiff"...

And I've not put on any lipstick for the last 3 weeks since as the healing made my lips dry, and beginning to like this lipstick free look!!!

(See earlier blog post on suey and luck.. but I am back on my feet within a week and running the streets like no tomorrow again!)

1 comment:

gp said...

Hope no one thought you went for collagen-enhancement! Trust you've fully recovered back to your regular smile!