Saturday, February 20, 2010


.. to ML and Mick ... for your upcoming marriage registration.  I thought it was a simple way for me to say how happy I am for both of you..

ML, my dear friend from university days - cold room, stairway 6, ski trips, d&ds, st kilda, games, work, shanghai, amsterdam, facebook, skype, your brothers, mum, dad, nephews and nieces, crushes, high standards, being angry, being at peace, finding michael, deciding ... a long long long way and maybe 20 years, more than half our lifetime till now. I wish you, the best life forward, and a lifetime of friendship, family (your own), and success in your own definition.

ML, congratulations once again.. marriages are happy occasions for everyone, and I am sorry I cannot be with you and Michael on this occasion.  I will as promised stand by my word to be your organizer for your wedding reception (and will delegate effectively!)... regardless of where we will each be.

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