Sunday, March 26, 2006

Amidala Rules!

I knew the costume had my name written on it when I saw the hair-piece. Ever since young, I've always had big hair, but having big hair, at a proper dinner function, eating a 9 course chinese dinner and taking photos with a DSLR with white make-up is something else!

Photo : Left, Queen Amidala of Naboo from Star Wars, right, me at my office's movie-themed dinner and dance I went to last Friday! (In the photo of me, the alien eye bits at the bottom of the dress and the white makeup is not evident, but it is there :-) ... )

Evidently Queen Amidala rules, and I won myself a prize for the effort ... evidently the lunch-time impromptu trip to a costume rental in town with some of my team-mates was worth it - and I continue to marvel at how fun the people I work with can be despite the age, diversity, background and characteristics - I'm proud to say all the ones I worked with closely took the effort to dress up to theme for the dinner!

Other than the big hair and fun dressing up, my photography effort turned out with 25% discarded shots, over-flashed, under-flashed, out of focus, too dark, etc. It was all the more difficult with the make-up, hair and difficulty to move around and the fact that I was "mobbed" by "paparazzi" all the time, resulting in people wanting to take photos with me, and me handing my beloved Nikon to those who can't focus and click, worse was that I could not even handle the SB-600 flash I borrowed for the occasion.

Next time - can only be either photographer or be photographed. Cannot be too greedy :-)


BlendedGuy said...

Congratulations on winning the costume prize !! The Queen Amidala costume wasn't designed for hard work... we don't recall the on screen Queen doing anything other than walk slowly and talk do we? ;)

May Ching said...

There was one person whom I told to use the rings to focus, started turning the top knob, turned it to "s" mode and took the shot. I learnt yet another thing, the camera is indeed cumbersome, especially when I did not realise how difficult it is for others to use it!