Tuesday, July 03, 2007

Alcoholic Anonymous

I have a secret.
I have a bottle of Johnny Walker Black Label whiskey stashed under my desk for those long late nights where I have to slog through the barrage of terrible nonsense called work.
In case you thought I was serious... I am not an alcoholic. Last Friday I was amused with my own actions, I had the previous night spoken to my other colleague about our upcoming company trip where some of the more senior staff had to sponsor drinks as we did not have budget. I was definitely against open drinking as it just did not sit well with our Malaysian Malays (yes I am patriotic and nationalistic, if there's such a word).
What I did was even more funnier : I asked one of my vendors, as he was coming in for a presentation, to buy me a bottle at the airport where it was tax free.
My SMS - "If you are still at imigration, can you please buy me a bottle of black label. It is for personal use and I will reimburse you when I see you. Thanks".
Its funny, the person I sent to was the CTO of a product company. He came by my office for the preparation to presentation, and handed me the whiskey and said, "May Ching, please dont drink it all up now before the presentation!"
So, the latest is that I got it stashed up at my office, until the party weekend... the last few days has been stretching my limits, I wonder if it can last.... :-)

1 comment:

Nicholas said...
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