Wednesday, September 13, 2006

Hostage at The Table

Today my MD passed us a book each. It was called Hostage at The Table. In the Leadership Development Program training I underwent last year, the author actually spoke about his experiences and did say he was going to write a book about it.

I recalled clearly a few key themes of this book. The key message was that we were sometimes taken hostage by our "clients" and also people we deal with. In a hostage situation we tend to react emotionally. And the idea was to come clean with the issues instead of being taken hostage.

In a way, nobody has all the answers to everything. And as leaders we will have to overcome odds to bring our best to the table.

I will read this book and pass it on. I consider this an exception to my non-receipt of books as gifts - the gift of a book is a very non-Chinese thing. But there are always exception. I will put a post-mortem here on the outcome of this book.

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