Friday, September 15, 2006

Youngest World Golf Champion - My debut as a photographer?

A few weeks ago, I was asked by my friend to participate in an interview of a magazine with the youngest world golf champion from Malaysia. She requested for me to take photos for the cover of the magazine!

Whilst I was ecstatic about the "opportunity", I really had no idea how to take portrait shots. So, lugging my Nikon D70s to the golf course practice green at a local course in Shah Alam early one Saturday morning, I met a small young boy.

His determination amazes me. He is but 6 years old, but each shot was measured and all the pitch shots hit the green within a foot of the pin.

But when asking him more detail questions, his shyness really showed his youth.

Would you train your kid to be a professional golfer? I think this is a very mental sport - you are playing against yourself and is indeed a great character building for a young child.

Postscript - I took really poor shots with my Nikon using the kit lens. In my haste and short notice of this "free" photographer work, I did not have time to analyse how other covers looked like. If I had known, I would have taken the zoom lens or the 50mm for a more larger focus shot, or even (if it was possible), asked the kid to pose. All the adults shown in magazine shots posed!!! So, this was a great lesson learnt. However, I was later told by my friend that she will feature my shot in her cover, so I am waiting and holding my breath. You will know when it is out, as it is indeed my debut amateur work.

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